OT: Christmas ham
Revision on 04/19/13
Dee, figure around 1/2 lb per person. An 11 lb. boneless should do it. Or, go to Aldi and buy a couple of sprial cut hams. They are cheap there, and they look great when you serve them. Of course, this advice is coming from the Jew who shouldn't know anything about hams (since they are pork).


I make 2 spiral hams every year for Christmas at my MIL's so she doesn't have to spend so much money for big dinners so close together. Anyway usually get mine from Krogers or Aldi's whomever has them on sale and they are very good, not too salty. I usually feed about 25-30 people thats including afew very wastful kids.
On December 11, 2008 at 4:49 AM Pacific Time, Peachydee wrote:
I have to buy and bake the ham this year for Christmas, I have no idea what size to buy. We have around 23 people coming. THis should be funDee
Hey, why a ham, why not a beef roast?? So much better beef as opposed to ham. Sorry, ham in my opinion is for Easter, not Christmas. That is just my opinion.
Open RNY May 7